Holistic spiritual healing-services

Quantum healing techniques,
  • Akashic Records Reading $111
During your 60-minute Akashic Records reading, your records will be accessed to gain insight into how your past experiences have shaped your present circumstances, which will empower you to make informed decisions and achieve spiritual growth and alignment.
  • Soul Realignment $240
Soul Realignment Sessions involve two phases: in the first, Irene accesses information from your Akashic Records without your presence. The second phase entails a 90 minute meeting to discuss the gathered information and to perform clearing work, addressing potential blockages or negative energies in your spiritual or energetic state.
  • Body, Mind, Spirit Healing $149

Irene utilizes a combination of BodyTalk techniques and intuitive healing through the Akashic Records during this 90-minute session, aiming to enhance physical, emotional, and mental well-being by releasing energetic blocks in the body’s energy field and stimulating the body’s natural healing abilities.

  • BodyTalk® $111
A 60-minute BodyTalk session uses a revolutionary healing modality that stimulates your body’s innate ability to heal itself. It works at the level of not only the body but at mind and spirit to restore health and wellbeing. Within a few sessions, it can have a profound impact on your health.
  • Divine Soul Blueprint $89
A 45-minute Soul Blueprint session encapsulates an individual’s inherent essence, life purpose, spiritual journey, and potential, providing clarity about your soul’s unique qualities and gifts and activates your divine purpose.
  • Human Design Blueprint $149
A Human Design Blueprint 90-minute session offers a copy of your Human Design Chart and insights into your personality, life purpose, strategy, and decision-making based on your unique energetic configuration.
  • Property Clearing $89

A 45-minute Energetic Property Clearing uses a technique for clearing and harmonizing the energetic imprints within a physical space, promoting a balanced and positive environment that supports spiritual growth, well-being, and productivity.

  • Akashic Records Mentoring Contact Irene

A customized Mentoring program for accessing Akashic Records involves guiding individuals to develop the skills and techniques needed to access this metaphysical knowledge source, empowering them to explore their soul’s journey, purpose, and personal growth opportunities.

  • Soul Clearing & Reintegration Package $700
This 5 session package offers a powerful clearing of energetic influences by integrating Soul Realignment for understanding one’s soul purpose, Akashic Records reading for deeper insights, and three BodyTalk sessions for holistic healing, aligning the mind, body, and spirit.
  • Phone Consultation Complimentary

Schedule a personalized phone consultation with Irene to explore our services and find the perfect fit for your needs. Irene’s expertise and attentive customer service will provide valuable insights and recommendations. Don’t miss this opportunity to achieve your goals with a one-on-one session.

"Irene provides a beautiful space to open up and discover all the parts of ourselves. She is also open and curious which creates an environment of freedom and exploration with no judgement or expectations. She is knowledgeable in many areas and shares her wisdom with love. Irene is a my go to when I need to find clarity."

Tammy Waldron, M.Ed

Advanced ThetaHealing Practitioner & Teacher

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Learn more about how Irene has been transforming lives for more than 2 decades.