What is Your Soul Yearning to Create?

A new Book?

More Abundance?

Deeper Connections?

A New Business?

More Joy In Your Life?

The Artist's Way

Next session starts January 21, 2024

Investment: $333

Join us on this transformative 13-week journey that will empower you to unlock your creativity and reignite your passions.

About this course

The Artist’s Way is a widely acclaimed and influential 13-week creative recovery program created by Julia Cameron. Designed to help individuals rediscover and nurture their creative selves, the course combines elements of writing, introspection, and artistic exercises to overcome creative blocks and self-doubt. Central to the program is the practice of daily “morning pages,” where participants write three pages of stream-of-consciousness thoughts every morning. Additionally, the course encourages weekly “artist dates,” dedicated time for individuals to engage in activities that inspire and fuel their creativity. The Artist’s Way provides a structured and supportive framework for individuals to explore their artistic potential, confront limiting beliefs, and foster a deeper connection with their creative instincts.

Is This For Me?

But I'm not an artist ...

One of the top things we hear when we talk to people about the Artist’s Way is, “This class isn’t for me because I’m not creative” or “I would never describe myself as an artist.” The truth is that each one of us has a creative spark that is waiting to be ignited, that when nurtured and explored, has the power to illuminate our lives with innovation, passion, and fulfillment. 

If you’re looking to live your inspiration or reclaim creativity, then this course is for you!

How can this course help me?

  • Uncover the blocks that are hindering your creativity
  • Reconnect to your authentic self
  • Ignite your inner spark of inspiration, passion and purpose
  • Discover the unique gifts you have to share with the world
  • Use your emotions to fuel your creativity

Where do we meet?

We will meet weekly in a group format via Zoom every Sunday from 2:00 pm until 4:00 pm Eastern Time starting January 21, 2024.

The group provides a container of safety and support and encourages accountability that you can’t get from completing the course alone. Throughout this course, we honor each other’s vulnerability and nourish each other in the process of creative recovery.

what participants are saying

“Tracy and Irene did a beautiful job leading our group through The Artist’s Way. This was a book I tried to get through on my own several times without success and I would not have been able to have the profound insights I did without this group. Even if you don’t consider yourself an artist, this group experience will open your eyes to ways to create the life you desire for yourself. Thank you, Irene & Tracy!”

Jessica Leigh Laib

Inner Voice Facilitator

“Tracy and Irene are excellent facilitators of contemplation and also guide us to apply the content in deep and meaningful ways.  I believe the power and magic of this book come alive in a safe community, deep and honest discussion, and loving accountability.  Being a part of this workshop empowered me to take the time to work through all the excellent activities, and I have benefited tremendously from them.”

Tammy Waldron

Advanced ThetaHealing Practitioner

Course Instructors

Tracy Rice, LPCC-S
Mental Health Therapist & Artist

Tracy is a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor Supervisor with over 10 years of therapy experience, with an extensive focus on helping her clients reach their potential and live their best lives. She taught at Cincinnati State College and the University of Dayton, educating students on drug & alcohol counseling, group skills, social-emotional intelligence, anger management, & relationship skills. As a Certified Creative Coach, she inspires clients to release blocks through art & exploration. She is an Independent Artist who loves to draw, paint, and work with pastels. Her passion is to make a picture come alive and touch the viewer's heart.

Irene Schulz, MS, CCC/SLP
Holistic Healer & Spiritual Transformation Guide

Irene is a Spiritual Transformation Guide and an Energy Healer with a passion for helping people heal and get in touch with their gifts. Her 20+ years of experience as a Speech/Language Pathologist has taught her the importance of empowering others on their healing journey. Her personal journey of healing guided her into the realm of holistic healing and profound soul transformation, prompting her to explore training in BodyTalk, Akashic Records, and Soul Realignment. Irene has an affinity for the aesthetic world and Ioves to weave beauty into all aspects of her life. Her primary source of creative inspiration is channeled through her current business, Illuminated Pathway, where she expresses her creative energy in crafting blog articles, designing her brand, curating the ambiance of her office space, and creating a unique client experience.

Register Today

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